導讀 此次京東活動,西昊Doro C500 人體工學電腦椅現售價3649元。該款人體工學椅採用高密度海綿填充,坐感舒適。五爪腳架,穩定耐用。其座面部分採用織物面料包裹,簡潔大方。原價3999元,參與滿35...
此次京東活動,西昊Doro C500 人體工學電腦椅現售價3649元。該款人體工學椅採用高密度海綿填充,坐感舒適。五爪腳架,穩定耐用。其座面部分採用織物面料包裹,簡潔大方。原價3999元,參與滿3500元減350元優惠活動後,價格更實惠。
As a result of the current activity on Jingdong, the price of SIHO Doro C500 ergonomic office chair has dropped to only 3649 yuan. This is an excellent opportunity for those who are looking for high-quality office chairs at affordable prices. The original price of this product is 3999 yuan, but with the current promotional discount, you can enjoy a significant reduction in cost. Don't miss out on this great deal!
標題:西昊人體工學電腦椅C500 3649元秒殺搶購!